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API Reference



Container for timetags

Contains array of timetags, required channel information will be either an array of the same dimensions as timetags or simply the only channels. allowed corresponding to a specific coincidence pattern.


  • count (uint64) –

    Number of events

  • resolution (float) –

    Resolution of timetags

  • clock_period (float) –

    Clock period (if required)

  • channels (ndarray(u8n) –


  • timetags (Union[ndarray(uint64), Tuple[ndarray(uint64), ndarray(uint64)]]) –



>>> records = Records(count=10, resolution=1e-9, clock_period=1.0,
>>>                   channels=[0, 1], timetags=[0, ..., 10])
>>> records = Records(count=4, resolution=1e-9, clock_period=1.0,
>>>                   channels=[0, 1, 1, 0], timetags=[0, 1, 4, 5])

Timetag Formats

Timetag Formats

// Timetag format
typedef struct std {
    u8 channel;
    u64 timestamp;
} timetag_standard;

typedef f64 resolution_standard;
typedef struct timestamp_clocked {
    u64 clock;
    u64 delta;
} timestamp_clocked;

// Timetag format
typedef struct timetag_clocked {
    u8 channel;
    timestamp_clocked timestamp;
} timetag_clocked;

typedef struct resolution_clocked {
    f64 coarse;
    f64 fine;
} resolution_clocked;


Bases: Enum

Format of timetags to use in instance of TangyBuffer


    name: str,
    resolution: float = 0.1,
    clock_period: float = 1.0,
    channel_count: int = 4,
    capacity: int = 10000000,
    format: TangyBufferType = ...,

Interface to underlying ring buffer

Provides ability to create, connect and modify a buffer of timetags and includes method to analyse the timetags currently held within it.


  • name (str) –

    Name of buffer to be created or attached to.

  • resolution (float = 0.1, default: 0.1 ) –

    Resolution of timetags in seconds. Unused if connecting.

  • clock_period (float = 1.0, default: 1.0 ) –

    Length of clock period in seconds for measurements that include clock information in each timetag. Unused if connecting

  • channel_count (Optional[int] = 4, default: 4 ) –

    Number of channels. Unused if connecting.

  • length (Optional[int] = 10_000_000) –

    Length of buffer to create. Unused if connecting.

  • format (TangyBufferType = TangyBufferType.Standard, default: ... ) –

    Format of timetags in the buffer, default is the standard format with a single value for the channel and single value for timeing information. Unused if connecting.


  • name (str) –

    Name of buffer

  • resolution (float) –

    Resolution of timetags in seconds

  • clock_period (float) –

    Clock period of clock signal used if timetags with clock information are used. Defaults to 1.0 otherwise

  • resolution_bins (int) –

    Resolution in bins

  • clock_period_bins (int) –

    Clock period in units of resolution

  • conversion_factor (int) –

    Factor to convert between time and bins

  • capacity (int) –

    Maximum number of timetags that can be stored

  • count (int) –

    total number of timetags written to the buffer

  • reference_count (int) –

    Number of reference to current open buffer. Other processes can connect to the same buffer

  • channel_count (int) –

    Number of available channels in the buffer

  • begin (int) –

    Index of first timetag. Can be greater than capacity

  • end (int) –

    Index of last timetag. Can be greater than capacity and will always be greater than begin


If connecting to an existing buffer the resolution, clock_period, n_channels, capacity and format arguments will be ignored even if supplied. The correct values will be made available from the buffer connected to.


Creation of a TangyBuffer object for both the Standard and Clocked timetag formats that can hold 1,000,000 timetags for a device with 4 channels. The method to connect to these buffers is also shown. This method of creating new buffers and connecting to existing ones allows the user to hold on to and continously read timetags from a device in one process and then connect to that buffer in another to perform analysis on the current data.

# Here we will create a buffer called 'standard' (imaginitive)
# that will only except timetags in the ``Standard`` format
standard_buffer = tangy.TangyBuffer("standard", 1e-9,

# A new buffer object can be made by connecting to a buffer with
# the correct name
standard_buffer_connection = tangy.TangyBuffer("standard")
# Here we will create a buffer called 'clocked' (imaginitive)
# that will only except timetags in the ``Clocked`` format
clocked_buffer = tangy.TangyBuffer("clocked", 1e-12,
                                    clock_period=12.5e-9,  # 80MHz Ti-Sapph

# A new buffer object can be made by connecting to a buffer with
# the correct name
clocked_buffer_connection = tangy.TangyBuffer("clocked")


begin property
begin: int

Index of first record in buffer Returns: (int): Index of first record in buffer

capacity property
capacity: int

Maximum number of timetags the buffer can hold


  • int

    maximum number of timetags

channel_count property writable
channel_count: int

Maximum number of channels in the buffer

Typically set by a device or a file to limit the range of valid channels available.


  • int

    number of channels

clock_period property writable
clock_period: float

Clock period of timetags in buffer

For timetags with 'coarse + fine' timing this returns the 'coarse' timing component, typically this will be the resolution / period of an external clock signal


  • float

    clock period of timetags

clock_period_bins property
clock_period_bins: int

Clock period in terms of bins of timetags in buffer


  • int

    clock period of timetags

conversion_factor property
conversion_factor: int


count property
count: int

Number of timetags written to the buffer

end property
end: int

Index of last record in buffer Returns: (int): Index of last record in buffer

name property
name: str

Name of buffer


  • str

    buffer name

reference_count property writable
reference_count: int

Number of current connections to the buffer

Tracks number of connections to buffer, used to determine if it is safe to delete the backing memory and close the memory mapping.


  • int

    number of connections

resolution property writable
resolution: float

Resolution of timetags in buffer


  • float

    resolution of timetags

resolution_bins property
resolution_bins: int

Resolution in terms of bins of timetags in buffer


  • int

    resolution of timetags


__call__(time: float) -> int

Converts a time to an buffer position

Takes a time and converts it to a position in the buffer relative to the total time currently held within the buffer. Positive numbers find positions from the start of the buffer whilst negative numbers find positions from the end of the buffer.


Find the position bounding the first second in the buffer

>>> idx = buffer(1)
Find the position bounding the last second in the buffer
>>> idx = buffer(-1)


  • int

    Index corresponding to requested time


Access subscript of buffer

__len__() -> int

Length of buffer


  • int

    Length of buffer

bins_from_time(time: float) -> int

Convert amount of time to a number of time bins


  • time (float) –

    Amount of time in seconds


  • int

    number of bins

    read_time: float,
    window: float,
    channels: list[int],
    delays: list[float] | None = None,
) -> Records | None

Collect coincident timetags

Collects the timetags in coincdience for the chosen channels over the specified read time provided the timetags have a distance between them less than the window. Optionally delays can be applied to each channel.The read time is taken as time from the most recent timetag in the buffer, e.g. a read time of 1s in a buffer containing 100s will give a result from the 99th second to the 100th.


  • read_time (float) –

    time to integrate over

  • window (float) –

    maximum distance between timetags allowed

  • channels (List[int]) –

    channels to find coincidences between

  • delays (Optional[List[float]] = None,, default: None ) –

    delays for each channel


  • Records

    Records found in coincidence

    read_time: float,
    window: float,
    channels: list[int],
    delays: list[float] | None = None,
) -> int

Count coincidences

Counts the coincidences for the chosen channels over the specified read time provided the timetags have a distance between them less than the window. Optionally delays can be applied to each channel.The read time is taken as time from the most recent timetag in the buffer, e.g. a read time of 1s in a buffer containing 100s will give a result from the 99th second to the 100th.


  • read_time (float) –

    time to integrate over

  • window (float) –

    maximum distance between timetags allowed

  • channels (List[int]) –

    channels to find coincidences between

  • delays (Optional[List[float]] = None,, default: None ) –

    delays for each channel


  • int

    Number of coincidences found

current_time() -> float

Returns the time of the most recent timetag Returns: (float): Most recent timetag as time

    signal: int,
    idler: int,
    channels: list[int],
    read_time: float,
    radius: float,
    delays: list[float] | None = None,
    clock: int | None = None,
    bin_width: int = 1,
    centre: bool = True,
) -> JointHistogram

2-D histogram of delays between channels

Histograms relative delays of channsl found to be in coincdience for over the specified read time provided the timetags have a distance between them less than the window. Optionally delays can be applied to each channel.The read time is taken as time from the most recent timetag in the buffer, e.g. a read time of 1s in a buffer containing 100s will give a result from the 99th second to the 100th. Can be used to produce a joint spectral intensity if the conversion from time to wavelength (frequency) is known.


  • signal (int) –

    channel of signal photon

  • idler (int) –

    channel of idler photon

  • channels ((List[int])) –

    channels to test for coincidence, must contain signal, idler and optionally a clock channel

  • read_time (float) –

    time to integrate over

  • radius ((float)) –

    maximum distance between timetags allowed

  • delays (Optional[List[float]] = None,, default: None ) –

    delays for each channel

  • clock (Optional[int] = None,, default: None ) –

    Optional clock channel

  • bin_width (int = 1,, default: 1 ) –

    Width of bins in histogram

  • centre (bool = True, default: True ) –

    Whether or not to centre the histogram


  • JointHistogram

    Joint delay histogram and marginal distributions

lower_bound(time: float) -> int

Find the position in the buffer that gives the last "time" seconds in the buffer

Performs a binary search on the buffer where the location being searched for is buffer.time_in_buffer() - time.


  • time (float) –

    Amount of time, in seconds, to split the buffer by


  • int

    Index in buffer corresponding to the timetag that is greater than or equal to buffer.time_in_buffer() - time

    channel_a: int,
    channel_b: int,
    read_time: float,
    resolution: float = 1e-09,
    window: float | None = None,
) -> delay_result

Relative delay between two channels


  • channel_a (int) –

    First channel

  • channel_b (int) –

    Second channel

  • read_time ((float)) –

    Time to integrate over

  • resolution (float = 1e-9,, default: 1e-09 ) –

    Resolution of bins

  • window (Optional[float] = None, default: None ) –

    Correlation window


  • delay_result

    Dataclass containing histogram data and fitting results

    read_time: float | None = None,
    start: int | None = None,
    stop: int | None = None,
) -> tuple[int, list[int]]

Count the occurances of each channel over a region of the buffer


  • buffer (RecordBuffer) –

    Buffer containing timetags

  • read_time (Optional[float] = None, default: None ) –

    Length of time to integrate over

  • start (Optional[int] = None, default: None ) –

    Buffer position to start counting from

  • stop (Optional[int] = None, default: None ) –

    Buffer position to sotp counting to


  • (int, List[int])

    Total counts and list of total counts on each channel


Get all of the singles in a buffer

>>>, buffer.time_in_buffer())

Count the singles in the last 1s

>>>, 1)

Count the singles in the last 1000 tags

>>>, buffer.count - 1000, buffer.count)
time_in_buffer() -> float

Amount of time held in the buffer Returns: (float): Time between oldest and newest timetags

    channels: int | list[int] | None = None,
    start: int | None = None,
    stop: int | None = None,
) -> list[tuple[int, NDArray]]

Get the timetags for selected channels Args: channels (Optional[Union[int, List[int]]]): Channels to get timetags for, can be either a single channel (int) or many (list of ints). If no channels are set and value left as None, all channels will gathered. start (Optional[int]): Position in buffer to start collecting from, if None the first valid position in the buffer will be used. stop (Optional[int]): Position in the buffer to collect timetags up to, if left as None the end of the buffer will be used.


  • List[Tuple[int, NDArray]]

    a list of tuples, each list element contains the channel index and ndarray of timetags for that channel


Get all timetags for channels 0 and 1

>>> timetags = buffer.timetags(channels=[0, 1])

Get the first 10 timetags on channel 2

>>> start = buffer.begin
>>> stop = start + 10
>>> channel_target = 2
>>> timetags_channel_2 = timetags(channels=channel_target,

Get the last 100 timetags on channel 4

>>> stop = buffer.end
>>> stop = stop - 100
>>> timetags_channel_2 = timetags(channels=4,
    channels: int | list[int],
    read_time: float,
    resolution: float = 10.0,

Time trace of buffer for chosen channels and read time

Produces an array of count rates accumulated for the chosen channels over the read time specified. The read time is taken as time from the most recent timetag in the buffer, e.g. a read time of 1s in a buffer containing 100s will give a result from the 99th second to the 100th.


  • channels (List[int]) –

    Channels to count timetags of

  • read_time (float) –

    Amount of time to measure over, In seconds

  • resolution (float = 10.0, default: 10.0 ) –

    Size of bins in seconds


  • ndarray


Buffer Management


buffer_list_update() -> dict

Up-to-date list of available buffers

Gets the list of available buffers from the Tangy configuration directory, for example, ~/.config/Tangy/buffers on linux and C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\PeterBarrow\Tangy\buffers on Windows. For each buffer configuration file the existence of the associated buffer is checked, buffers that no longer exists have their corresponding configuration file removed. Upon completion this returns a dictionary containing the buffer name, buffer format and path to the configuration file.

Returns: (dict): Dictionary of {"name": {"format": fmt, "path": "/path/to/config"}


buffer_list_append(buffer: TangyBuffer)

Adds the configuration of a buffer to the Tangy configuration directory


  • buffer (TangyBuffer) –

    buffer with configuration to save


buffer_list_delete_all() -> None


buffer_list_show() -> None

File Readers


PTUFile(file_path: str, name: str, length: int = 1000)

Class to read data from Picoquant PTU file and write into buffer.

    file_path (str): Path to Picoquant PTU file.
    name (str): Name of buffer to be created (or connected to).
    length (int = 1000):

    buffer: Buffer being written to
    header (dict): Dictionary containing information found in the file header
    record_count (int): Total number of records processed from PTU file
    count (int): Total number of timetags written into the buffer

    Open a .ptu file and create a new buffer with a name

ptu = tangy.PTUFile("my_measurement.ptu", "measurement", int(1e8))

    Get the underlying buffer and count the singles from it
    >>> (total, singles) =, 1)


read(n: u64n) -> int

Read an amount of tags from the target file


  • n (int) –

    Number of tags to read from the file


  • uint64

    NUmber of records read



    device_id: int = 1,
    calibrate: bool = True,
    add_buffer: bool = False,
    buffer_size: int | None = 10000000,

Linux users will need to add the following file to their system, /etc/udev/rules.d/UQDLogic16.rules that contains the following line ATTR{idVendor}=="0bd0", ATTR{idProduct}=="f100", MODE="666". This will ensure that the device does not need additional root privaledges to operate. After this file has been created the user will have to log out and the log in again or run the following command sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger to update the current device rules.


led_brightness property writable
led_brightness: int

Brightness of front panel LED.


  • percent (int) –

    brightness in percent

fpga_version property
fpga_version: int

Version of FPGA design on device.


  • int

    fpga design version

resolution property
resolution: float

Get the resolution of the device.

Depending on the device firmware this will return either 78.125ps or 156.25ps.


  • float


number_of_channels property
number_of_channels: int

Number of channels enabled on the device.

Depending on loaded firmware this will return either 8 or 16


  • int

    number of useable input channels

input_threshold property writable
input_threshold: list[float64]

Input thresholds


  • list[float64]

    List[float64]: Currently set input thresholds

inversion property writable
inversion: list[uint8]

Channels set to use negative edge triggering


  • List[uint8]

    List of channels set to trigger on negative edges

input_delay property writable
input_delay: float64

Delays in seconds set on each channel


  • float64

    delays on each channel in seconds

function_generator property writable
function_generator: tuple[int, int]

Function generator period and width, both in units of 5ns

external_10MHz_reference property writable
external_10MHz_reference: bool
filter_min_count property writable
filter_min_count: int

Minimum size of a group to be transmitted to the host computer.


  • int

    Minimum size of a group to be transmitted

filter_max_time property writable
filter_max_time: double

Maximum time between two pulses in the same group.


  • float

    maximum time between two pulses in the same group

exclusion property writable
exclusion: list[uint8]
level_gate property writable
level_gate: bool
time_gating property writable
time_gating: bool
time_gate_width property writable
time_gate_width: int


is_open() -> bool
calibrate() -> None
start_timetags() -> None

Start transmitting timetags from the device to the host computer

stop_timetags() -> None

Stop transmitting timetags from the device to the host computer

read_tags() -> tuple[int, list[uint8], list[uint64]]
buffer() -> TangyBuffer

Acquire buffer


Write tags directly into buffer